Sunday, December 31, 2006

Cosmetic Dentistry NYC adds to your charm and personality

Many times we realize the value of good things only when we lose them and our precious set of teeth could be one of those things. A simple carelessness on our part or perhaps a disease or even an accident can cause permanent disfigurement to our teeth. Cosmetic dentistry NYC could be a modern day solution to these problems. It has the ability to restore and beautify our teeth so that we are no longer embarrassed in social circumstances. Now every kind of dental problem whether it is yellow teeth, tooth decay due to germs, broken or misaligned tooth, chipped teeth and even in cases where a tooth or teeth have fallen out due to disease or accident can be taken care of, thanks to cosmetic dentistry NYC.

Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry where the focus is on improving or modifying the appearance of the patient's oral cavity and surrounding area to prevent or treat structural, functional or organic oral diseases. Cosmetic dentistry NYC can restructure the appearance of a person's mouth so that it is more visually appealing and enhances the looks and personality of the patient opting for such a surgery. The common treatments that fall under the category of cosmetic dentistry NYC or any other state are tooth bleaching or teeth whitening, enamel shaping, bonding and veneers. Even the dental filling and materials for teeth restoration that were used earlier for cosmetic dentistry were made of gold, amalgam and other metals. Some of them might have been veneered with porcelain. The recent innovations have made it possible to completely use porcelain or composite materials that closely resemble the natural set of teeth.

Cosmetic dentistry NYC provides a variety of options to the person who wants to go in for a restructuring of his or her dental structure. The most common recommendation for a cosmetic dental procedure is that of teeth whitening. Regular substance abuse, consuming edibles of extreme temperature like too hot coffee or frozen desserts can severely alter the color of our teeth, giving them an unpleasant tinge of yellow. A dentist supervised process can make our teeth regain their gleaming whiteness. A small chip in the teeth can be corrected by the process of enamel shaping that is another tool available under cosmetic dentistry NYC. This process removes part of the contouring enamel that improves the appearance of the tooth. Another option under cosmetic dentistry NYC for chopped or broken teeth will be that of bonding. In this process enamel-like composite material is attached to the tooth's surface, molded into shape, hardened and then polished.

Cosmetic dentistry NYC also has the solution for people who may be embarrassed to admit in social situations that they have gone in for such a dental procedure. The invisalign braces and ultra-thin veneers are a concrete step in that direction. The extensive use of porcelain or composite material for dental work makes cosmetic dentistry undetectable in the people who have opted for it. This has induced many more people with dental problems to step out into the forefront and get rectification measures implemented on their teeth. Overall, we see that cosmetic dentistry NYC has brought hope to a lot of people who had earlier been suffering quietly.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

A Bright Smile - Teeth Whitening as a Primary Self Improvement Step

Gorgeous celebrities have to be that way, because their jobs depend on it. It's a fact that the movie-going, television-watching public would rather look at beautiful people than unattractive people. Yet, not all of them are everyone's "type." So what makes them universally good-looking? Typically, pore-less skin, toned bodies, and...impossibly white teeth. Of these three things, white teeth are probably the easiest, and most realistic, element to adopt for themselves -- whether it's one job to look good or not.

Super white teeth are more accessible than ever, with the myriad of bleaching products on the market. It's not necessary to go to the dentist to achieve the kind of smile that stops traffic, although the dentist will get it done faster. If you have the cash and want to spend it on teeth whitening, it is more effective to have it done at the dentist's. But for those of us who don't have movie-star-sized wallets, the drugstore will do just fine!

Don't limit yourself to the gazillion whitening toothpastes out there. They are only marginally effective, and are more for maintenance, not removing stains that have been building up for years. If you would like to add a whitening toothpaste to your killer smile arsenal, ask your dentist for a recommendation. You don't want a paste that's too abrasive or will harm your teeth. What good are pearly whites if you're going to have to trade them in for dentures before your time, because of a lousy toothpaste? Be safe.

There are teeth whitening kits available almost everywhere. Some of these contain a mouthpiece and peroxide gel, and others have conveniently combined that step and produced whitening strips -- disposable after each use, and the gel's already on them! Deciding between those types is a personal choice. Some might prefer rinsing out a mouthpiece each time to reuse, others may prefer to start fresh each time with new strips. The active ingredient is the same either way: peroxide. If you have a sensitivity to peroxide, talk to your dentist about alternatives. Realize also, that use of these products can make your teeth more sensitive, temporarily.

This is however only the beginning. Understand that there's more than kits, pastes, and strips on the path to a bright smile. Teeth whitening is one piece of the puzzle; another is behavior. Do you put off your twice-a-year dental deep cleanings? If so, get on the phone and make an appointment, because those cleanings help get rid of built-up stains that could be standing in the way of the bright white you're looking for. If you're behind on visits, it will make it that much harder to whiten up.

Also, look at your consumption habits. How often do you have coffee, tea, red wine, liquid vitamin B? Do you smoke? If so, whitening teeth is going to be an uphill battle. Staining agents will sabotage your efforts, and if you've seen how much whitening kits can cost, you don't want to jeopardize your progress. They'll only work if you give them a chance. Much like exercise won't do as much for you if don't also change your diet, teeth whitening alone won't give you a white smile -- not while you're staring down the bottom of a coffee cup.

A white smile is a very desirable thing to have, and while bleach works, it's only half the work. Considering what a difference it can make in appearance, isn't it worth trading a cup of java for a glass of milk, or giving up the smokes, once and for all?

Friday, December 29, 2006

6 Facts About Postcards That You Can Use to Grow Your Dental Practice

In my plethora of experience I have managed to cull out for you what I consider the "best of the best" � in other words, I took the most proven details about postcards that are significant to you starting a dental postcard campaign and really winning with it.

In marketing to your potential patients I want you to understand some key direct mail marketing essentials that will help you to acquire new patients effectively:

1) A postcard is better than something in an envelope.

For many reasons, the main one being, with an envelope you can't make your potential patient see your message.

People are fast. We see and read very quickly � actually much more quickly than we even realize. Think about yourself � how fast do you go through your mail and process out what you want to keep and what you don't want to keep? Pretty fast. It takes fractions of seconds to go through and process in your mind "bill, bill, advertisement, bill, advertisement, letter�" And it also takes fractions of seconds to decide whether you are even going to bother giving more attention to the pieces that you designated as advertisements.

With a postcard, even if they throw it away, they already saw your message regardless of whether they think they did or not. They saw it enough to either throw it away or keep it or respond to it.

And if they tossed it, the next time they get that same postcard in the mail, they'll see it again - as they throw it in the trash, again.

Let's face it - junk mail gets thrown away. And postcards are junk mail just like other advertisements you get in the mail.

Although they may be junk mail, postcards get read no matter what � even if thrown away without reading them, they get seen. It's like the phoenix rising up from the ashes. And the truth is, one day a wife or mother is going to sift through her mail as quickly as always and see your postcard (again) and remember it is time to start little Johnny going to the dentist - and you know what? She'd rather send him to someone that specializes in kids rather then her dentist. And besides that, your office is closer to Johnny's preschool while her's is all the way across town near the house she grew up in. So she calls. Or, perhaps she will put it up on the refrigerator to remind her to call you when she is ready.

2) If you are not doing repeat mail with your postcards you are flushing your money down the toilet.

Repeat mailings cannot be repeated enough. DO REPEAT MAILINGS! DO REPEAT MAILINGS! DO REPEAT MAILINGS! A one-shot-in-the-dark postcard mailing is not going to change your practice, your bottom line, your life or your anything.

The long and the short of it is, if you are not up to confronting that you need to do a campaign then don't bother being in practice. Sorry if I sound a bit harsh!

And the plus point is that people start to really believe you exist when they see your postcard over and over in the mail. It communicates credibility and gives people the idea that you are established and not going to go away. Some people may respond right away � a lot of people do not. They want to "see" if you are a one-shot in the dark kind of dentist or not. Think about all the mail you receive at home and think about the companies that hit you again and again. In your own mind, I'll bet those companies are more real and more credible then some company you received just one piece of mail from.

3) The best price is not best necessarily the best postcard.

The cheapest is not necessarily the best. The old adage "you get what you pay for" applies here. I know that goes for dentistry as well. You are not going to get the top cosmetic dental surgeon for rock-bottom prices. I am not saying that one cannot get good dental work done for a reasonable cost; all I am saying is that cheaper is not always better. When you are looking for a good postcard company, get whatever potential Postcard Company you interview to send you samples. Make sure the postcard is a very good-quality, stiff card that catches your attention. Get them to give you customer references. Call those references and find out what they think of that company's service, product, etc.

There is a lot of behind-the-scenes work that goes into getting your postcard done right. If they mess up the printing, if they don't get your mailing out on deadline, etc. � doing it dirt cheap might not mean getting the quality service you need or want.

4) Although most people, if surveyed, say they like full color on both sides, the truth is black on white on the back of the postcard gets a better response.

Why? Because full-color on both sides can be confusing. When people have the option of color on the back they tend to go a little nuts with the design to the point where the recipient doesn't know where to look first and the message gets completely lost. On the other hand, if you have an aesthetic front - with a great headline - the recipient will just want to turn that postcard over. And that's where your main message is, your call to action, your offer, and your contact information.


Did YOU Notice this Postcard?

Your Customers Will Notice Yours Too!
5000 Full Color



for only


Look at it from the customer viewpoint � really look at it from their viewpoint and you can see what I mean by eye trail.

5) You should promote only one thing at a time on your postcard.

Even if you sell lots of different dental products and services, you only promote one of them. It is okay to mention more of the more popular services you offer on the back of the postcard bullet pointed. But your main focus on the front of your postcard needs to be one product, service, item, what-have-you � just one thing.

Let's say in your dental practice your biggest money maker that most people need and want is this new teeth-whitening product. But you also do implants, dentures, and root canals in addition to your regular cleanings, crowns and fillings. Your postcard should only talk about one thing. Ok, so promote your newest teeth-whitening product to attract interest. It is not that people who are looking for teeth whitening products are not also looking for someone to do their regular dental cleanings � it's just too much information on the front of postcard.

The purpose of a postcard is to generate enough interest so that the recipient calls. You can put on the back as just a mention: "We are a full-service dentistry practice."

But on the front � one item! ONE ITEM!

You can get my drift if you look at it from another industry altogether. If a company sells hot tubs, above-ground pools and jungle gyms, they need to pick the one that gives them the most income and make their postcard about that. Don't forget, your recipient is going through their mail rapidly. A postcard with several messages and/or images will get discarded without the person even noticing what is being advertised. Keep it simple. Do you really go over every dental product and service you have with every patient that walks in the door? Or do you tailor your educative "spiel" to what they actually need that will get them the results they need or want? So the same goes for marketing.

Now I saved the best for last�

6) A person could grow a business with no other marketing media.

With postcards alone, one could take a company from zero to millions in revenue. How do I know? Because I did it.

We mailed postcards every single week, and the more postcards we mailed out, the more we grew. (We still mail out postcards every week to the tune of 86,000 postcards per week now.) Yes, it is good to diversify and as we grew and became more successful and had more money to try other media, we did. Some we kept and some we nixed. Postcards are a staple that works no matter what.

These six points of postcard marketing data are proven techniques will get you results with new patients while at the same time staying faithful to the time-honored methods that have helped thousands of businesses get more bang for their marketing buck.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentist Offers New Smile Makeover Solution to Unsightly Teeth

There's a new dental solution available for unattractive teeth. Most alternatives take months to complete under the care of an ordinary dentist. Beverly Hills cosmetic dentist, Dr. Kourosh Maddahi, is able to give patients a new look within a week or two by offering Snap-On Smile as a way to attain a temporary smile makeover.

Dr. Maddahi explains, "Once your dental impressions are taken by us, your case is sent to the lab and I can have it back within a week or 10 days. A shell, made of acrylic, goes over the upper and/or lower teeth and gives the appearance of all new dental work. It's easy to use, snapping on and off your existing teeth. You suddenly have a beautiful, white smile."

For those with missing teeth, a gummy smile, the need to cover pre-existing dental treatment, or misalignment of teeth this, new product, created by Trident Dental Laboratories in Hawthorne, California, can be an inexpensive alternative to full mouth reconstruction.

"Diastema - spaces between teeth, and misaligned teeth used to only be able to be corrected with years of braces.", says Dr. Maddahi. "Then came porcelain veneers and crowns that allowed us to makeover a persons smile in much less time. This new solution can handle these problems with amazing ease. Made with a specialized acrylic resin which allows the appliance to be made as thin as
.5 millimeters without compromising strength. Its simple patented design allows the patient to eat without any impingement into the gums."

There are many patients who have avoided the dental care they have needed because of true fear or phobias of the dental office. The thought of going to the dentist can be well founded. Until recently the majority of dentists had little awareness that there were available alternatives to painful dental procedures. Dr. Maddahi is part of the growing dental population that is striving to use new technical solutions to avoid pain in the dental chair. This product requires no drilling, no shots, no cement and it is removable, although it is made to eat with.

"This low-cost alternative," says Dr. Maddahi, "can be used temporarily in place of porcelain veneers, porcelain crowns, teeth whitening, and the other choices available in cosmetic dentistry."

Snap-On Smile is also an idea for those patients considering a more permanent restoration and allows them to try out a new smile. There are 19 color shades and 18 smile designs to chose from. No cementation or bonding is ever needed.

Dr. Kourosh Maddahi, has been specializing in creating beautiful, natural smiles for 20 years and is located in Beverly Hills at 436 N. Roxbury Drive, Suite 202 and can be reached at 310-888-7797.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

5 Important Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) About Tooth Whitening

1.What is tooth whitening?

It is a bleaching process that lightens the discoloration and removes stains of enamel and dentin layer by the used of mild solutions of both carbamide and hydrogen peroxide retained and worn over your teeth. You have so many options on how to whiten teeth depending on the condition and volume of stain present in your teeth.

2. What causes tooth discoloration?

Aging is the most common factor why our teeth changes from one color to another. Genetics can also play a role because some people are naturally born with whiter enamel than others. Staining or chemical damage cause by medications, coffee, tea or cigarettes and excessive fluorides can also affect the color of our teeth. Different shade of staining is brought about by drinking significant amount of softdrinks while damage to root may contribute too.

3. Is tooth whitening safe?

Controlled amount of carbamide and peroxide hydrogen tooth whitening may contain is gentle safe in the teeth and gum under the supervision of a dentist. Dentist-supervised whitening process has been practice for almost a century increasing by number almost every year as yellowed teeth becoming less and less acceptable. Procedure to whiten tooth has been simplified and made to be safe by the presence of ADA Seal of Acceptance.

4. How much can tooth be whitened?

It is very common question from an individual who came from a bleaching or whitening process. The answer is highly unlikely; depending on whitening procedure since other might claims they can whiten your teeth up to nine shades. There is no such as standard system in the dental field to measure and determine the color of your teeth but a change of two or three will make a significant difference in terms of teeth whitening. It sounds strange but not all of your teeth have the same natural color but usually, your front teeth always be the whitest. Visiting your cosmetic dentist, they take into account the structure of your tooth, what you personally can expect for a specific smile, how tooth will vary from one person to another and the type of procedure implemented will affect the outcome.

5. What are tooth whitening procedures?

The type of teeth bleaching procedures available should be discussed with your cosmetic dentist so they can recommend the best for you. Advantages and disadvantages may cited depending upon your objectives and commitment to the process. Laser bleaching is used by applying translucent teeth whiteners or bleaching gel on the teeth and a laser light is used to activate the crystals and penetrate tooth enamel to increase lightening effect. Length of procedure may depend on the discoloration you have. Tooth bleaching is used by applying a small amount of bleaching abrasive most effective for mildly stained teeth and the most common whitening technique because it costs less if you have severe discoloration teeth. Tooth veneers are often alternative to crowns; they are very thin especially-shaped porcelain or plastics that are glued over the front of your teeth no anesthesia needed. They are created from an impression taken in your dentist's office to cure teeth that are discolored, chipped, have small holes, misshapen or for the correction of uneven spaces. It will last from ten to fifteen years depending on durability and come in colors that brighten dark teeth.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Tooth Whitening Product Review - Find The One That's Right For You.

Tooth whitening continues to be a growth market, as we age and are teeth need to restore to their bright and clean youthful appearance. The market for tooth whiteners has actually grown 25% a year and is now worth over $600 million! The reason for this is that as we age our teeth naturally becomes stained and yellowed from use.

A quick tooth whitening product review will show that there are three basic types of teeth whitening methods.

The first, and most expensive, and arguably the most effective is a visit to the professional dental practice for laser or specialized teeth bleaching procedure. The cost of these dental procedures is much higher than any do it yourself option. Still, you can be assured that you will receive not only a brighter whiter smile, but also good dental care. You should always consider having your teeth examined before starting any tooth whitening treatments. The reason for this is that the chemicals used to bleached tooth enamel can be painful, if used on the decayed or damage teeth

If you're interested in doing it at home however, there are many products on the market that do an effective job with most stains and yellowing. Most reputable tooth whitening product reviews suggest that home teeth whitening kits are a good way to get a bright and white smile and restore your teeth to their youthful beauty. Many of the different tooth whitening products available come with a long list of testimonials offered by satisfied customers.

Although you cannot fully trust testimonials, the fact that many people have written in is an indication of customer satisfaction. Remember doing tooth whitening at home and involves more time and patience than at the dentist office. So as you go through tooth whitening product reviews, remember that there's a trade-off between speed and cost. If you want fast, the professional tooth whitening offerings can dramatically whiten your teeth in only one visit. Home tooth whitening products regardless of the review will take at least one week and probably two to achieve similar results.

Evaluating the Evaluations

A tooth whitening product review should provide basic information on what the consumer should consider.
Things like:

Product ingredients: Care should be taken when you consider any teeth whitening system. Many kits seem to offer much more whitening gel and others. The reason for this may be that they've simply added more fillers to give the appearance of additional gel. These fillers only mean that you need more product to do the same amount of cleaning and whitening. It also means a bigger mess when doing a treatment.

Whitening gel strength: Many products claim that they have extra strength whitening gel. Although true, you must remember that the stronger the active whitening compound, the more aggressive it will be on your teeth. This means that although the product may whiten faster, you run the risk of your teeth becoming sensitive to temperature and damage to your gums.

Customer Service: the difference between dealing with a good company and a bad company becomes evident when something goes wrong. Big companies are interested in staying in contact with their customers and taking care of them within reason. Although many people today have abused the definition of customer service, most online businesses continue to be interested in you as a long-term customer. Any review should consider the ability of a consumer to connect with the company

Finally, there's a price and value. There's always a trade-off between speed and cost. Teeth whiteners are available in all prices in the market and only each of us as consumers can decide, which is the right mix of benefits and cost So no matter what tooth whitening product you select, it must the your needs. All the ratings in the world cannot make a good product fit your lifestyle or your ability to follow through with the directions

Monday, December 25, 2006

You Don't Need To Be a chemist To Understand Carbamide Peroxide For Teeth Whitening

Peroxide, that bubbly stuff used by doctors and moms to clean scrapes for years is the base chemical for this teeth whitening agent. Surprise!

Carbamide peroxide and /or Hydrogen peroxide are the two main key chemical ingredients used to whiten teeth. These are found in almost all of the tooth bleaching kits and teeth whitening products available today. The main difference between many of these products is the strength of the Carbamide peroxide gel. A general rule is that the higher the strength, the faster the results...and the greater the risks of gum damage.

Most professional whitening /bleaching gels use only a couple of different chemicals to whiten teeth: Carbamide peroxide, used for a few hours to overnight, or Hydrogen peroxide usually used for about 30 minutes a couple of times a day.
Carbamide peroxide is actually a lower strength product that can limit the irritating effects of stronger peroxide chemicals.

Still, Carbamide peroxide gels come in a variety of strengths. These range from a very safe 10% to the more typical 16 and 20-22% strengths. There's also even stronger gels available that claim upwards of a 30%+ strength level. These can and will discolor your mouth soft tissue if the gel comes in contact with it for any length of time.

These stronger peroxide gels should probably only be considered if done by a dentist or dental professional. A dentist can make certain the material is only applied to teeth surfaces and can better protect the gums and soft tissue in your mouth. Higher strength products also are the reason why a dentist can achieve faster, though much more expensive results sooner. Although you may be tempted to get the highest strength available, the higher the potency, the higher the risk of problems. For best home teeth bleaching results, use the lower or middle range of Carbamide Peroxide strengths.

Professional Teeth Whitening kits bleach teeth for thousands of people every year without major problems. This doesn't mean that using teeth bleaching products are completely free of any problems even if used incorrectly however. Tooth sensitivity, gum discoloration and a poor teeth whitening job can result if Carbamide peroxide gels aren't used as directed.

Peroxide and it's counterpart, Carbamide Peroxide, are bleaching chemicals. Specifically they're known as oxidizing agents. Although you may be more aware of basic chlorine bleach, hydrogen peroxide or peroxide bleaches are also actually another well used and trusted bleaching agent in many industries. Color safe bleaches and even the now popular "Oxy-Clean" type bleaches are really oxygenating or an oxidizing bleach. To be even more clear, they're selling bleach with an oxidizing agent, and most probably it's a compound that includes peroxide in some strength.

Did you know that bleach doesn't really get out stains? Depending on the bleaching chemical used, it actually adds oxygen (oxidizing) to a stain or removes or (reduces) oxygen to the stain. Chlorine bleach by the way is considered a reducing agent that removes oxygen from stains. Depending on the type of stain, it simply disappears when the right bleaching product is applied.

So Carbamide Peroxide is an oxidizing agent that bleaches or whitens your teeth by adding oxygen molecules to the stains. Remember that Carbamide Peroxide is almost the same product as that brown bottle of hydrogen peroxide moms have used for decades to clean cuts and scrapes on children. When used as directed, it's a safe and effective tooth whitening product that can make your smile look it's best.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Is Bleaching the Best Method of Home Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is more than a fad, it's a multi-billion-dollar industry that will see more than 10 millions Americans spend over (an estimated) $2 billion this year. Teeth whitening is by far the most common cosmetic service provided by dentists right across America, and the sales growth in mail-order and over-the-counter products has surged on a massive scale.

But are brilliant white teeth really achievable? Is teeth whitening safe? Does it hurt? What is the best method? Can you do it at home? These are all very common questions, and in general you will find the answers to be: Yes, Yes, Not normally, (arguably) Bleaching, Yes.

Whiter teeth can be achieved via a number of different methods, both at your dentist (or professional teeth whitening office) and at home. In fact, many dentists actually perform the first one or two treatments, then get you all kitted-up so you can do the rest at home. but that's for the 'bleaching' methods, there are other avenues you can travel down in your quest for whiter teeth that involve structural changes to your teeth, like 'bonding' and 'porcelain veneers'.

Bleach-based teeth whitening products all basically have the same goal - to penetrate deep into your tooth enamel to rid it of stains. Tooth enamel is porous, so brushing and scouring products don't work, and this is where bleach-based tooth whitening products come into play. You see the most effective methods actually use bleaching chemicals to penetrate deep into the tooth enamel. They set off an oxidising process that breaks down the staining compounds in the enamel leaving you with bright white teeth. Sounds simple, but there are many products on the market that fall short of promises. Most over-the-counter products only ever manage to whiten teeth marginally, while the more professional products can provide you with extreme changes to the whiteness of your teeth.

The entry-level teeth whitening product would be a whitening toothpaste. Some people have demonstrated a slight improvement in brightness, but because a toothpaste isn't exposed to your teeth for very long (you only brush for a few minutes), they typically are not able to penetrate deep enough to have much effect. Some toothpastes actually contain very strong chemicals that are aimed at working quickly (based on the short timeframe they are exposed to your teeth) and instead of working to penetrate the enamel and oxidise/clean the stains, they can actually work as an abrasive that will etch away the enamel.

Next in line we have whitening strips. Whitening Strips are thin, flexible pieces of plastic that have been coated on one side with a thin film of hydrogen-peroxide bleach (normally 6-10% strength). They are pressed against the top and lower teeth and normally need to be worn for 30 mins (twice daily) for 7-14 days. They do work, but because they cannot get into all the nooks and crannies and gaps between teeth, the results can sometimes be blotchy and less desirable than anticipated.

Getting more serious, we have bleach-based tooth whitening products which will involve a tray being placed in your mouth that has been injected with a 'bleaching' solution (hydrogen peroxide). This procedure can be done at home or by your dentist, or by a combination of dentist / at home. You can buy cheap over-the-counter 'boil and bite' trays that are virtually ready to use out of the packet. You boil the tray to get it hot and mouldable, place it in your mouth and bite into it. The end-result is a 'partially' moulded tray that is ready for use. The disadvantage of this type of tray is that it will not fit snugly which results in inconsistent results and leakage of the bleaching gel into your mouth and gums. Leakage of the bleach into the mouth is undesirable for obvious reasons, and smears on/around the gums can result in temporary (and even long terms) bleaching of the gums.

Professional systems see you being fitted out with a custom-fitting tray which is essential to assure proper bleaching and consistent results. Using a custom tray will almost definitely result in less leakage into you mouth and gums. Custom fitting trays can be acquired directly from your dentist or from various online specialists who have a DIY custom tray kit. With this type of system you actually get shipped all the necessary items to make an impression of your teeth so your own custom-fitting stray can be made. You basically make your impression with the items provided, place it in the preaddressed packing envelope and mail it off. They will make your customized bleaching trays in a certified laboratory and send them back to you within 2-7 business days... than all you need to do is apply the gel into the tray and put it in your mouth for the recommended periods.

The most important part of a teeth whitening system is the gel that is used. You can have an expensive custom-fitted tray (mouthpiece), but if you don't have the right teeth whitening gel, you will spend far too much time with the tray in your mouth and or your results will not be as expected. To understand the differences between whitening gels and why they are considered as the best tooth whitener, it is preferable to understand exactly what they are made of, and what they actually do.

Most gels contain either carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide, and some contain fillers and flavors. Carbamide peroxide actually breaks down into hydrogen peroxide in the mouth. Hydrogen peroxide is the active whitener (it's the same chemical that will bleach your hair). The difference between most gels is the strength of the peroxide. Most gels these days are around 15% and up, with some of the most popular being around 22%. The strength of the peroxide obviously will play a determining factor in how long you need to leave the tray in your mouth, and tooth sensitivity can be a major part of deciding on what strength to use. But, in saying that, it is not actually the strength of the peroxide that usually causes sensitivity, but rather the length of time that the teeth are exposed to the chemical. That is why some people prefer to go for a higher strength (such as 22%) but use it for a shorter period of time. You can also get higher strengths like 35%, but these are only recommended for short 'bursts' of maintenance, perhaps monthly for periods of 15-30mins.

Other types of professional teeth whitening include bonding and porcelain veneers. These both involve actual structural change to your teeth. Bonding involves a composite resin that is moulded onto the teeth to change their color and to reshape them. The resin material can stain and chip over time. Bonding can usually be done in one office visit for $300-$700 per tooth. Porcelain veneers are shell-like facings that can be bonded onto stained teeth. They are used to reshape and/or lengthen teeth as well as to whiten. Veneers require at least two office visits and cost $700 to $1,200 per tooth.

There are many ways to get the white teeth that so many people desire. Have a peek at to learn more about the various methods.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Teeth Whitening | Tooth Whitening | Cosmetic Dentistry

Everybody is born with a wonderful set of white teeth, which add to your beauty when they are exposed by your smile, while talking or eating. Depending upon our lifestyles, upon what we eat and how and with what we brush our teeth, changes occur and the teeth become dull, yellow, grey or even black (this is particularly when the person smokes a lot as nicotine tents to deposit itself on the back and sometimes even on the front of the teeth). There are indeed many ways by which teeth can be whitened. However, according to the reports there are only two teeth whitening and bleaching that are most commonly used, are the office bleach and strip teeth whitening system:

1. The office bleach � this method is the fast-forward type where a higher level of chemical is applied to the teeth to get fast results. As with every high dosage things, there would usually be side effects � in this connection there could be chemical burns if not used correctly or left on for too long.

On the positive side is the fact that it does work, and it works fast indeed. Since there is a high concentration of oxidizing agents, the time needed for the whitening is more or less halved. Therefore, in case there is an emergency, you could use this method, though it is contraindicated for use over longer periods of time

2. The teeth whitening strip � this is a similar teeth whitening and bleaching system as the above, with the exception that it has its chemical on a strip of polyethylene which would need to be stuck on the teeth about twice a day over the course of 3-4 weeks. It is a slow process because the main ingredient is a less potent one � hydrogen peroxide; however, it shows result in the end

Some Reasons Why People Go For Teeth Whitening and Bleaching

The teeth whitening and bleaching system is usually taken up to help in improving one's esthetics. If you look at it, people usually go for it when they are faced with an important interview and what to make an excellent first impression. It is true that a nice and presentable self improves the possibility of a positive outcome from the interview greatly.

People also go for teeth whitening and bleaching system before they marry for the same reasons. The whitening of the teeth makes one more confident and happy about oneself. The beautiful set of teeth makes the smile dazzling in the real sense of the word. Hence, the attraction between the husband and wife will be enhanced too.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Getting Back Your Perfect Smile

Everybody is born with a wonderful set of white teeth, which add to your beauty when they are exposed by your smile, while talking or eating. Depending upon our lifestyles, upon what we eat and how and with what we brush our teeth, changes occur and the teeth become dull, yellow, grey or even black (this is particularly when the person smokes a lot as nicotine tents to deposit itself on the back and sometimes even on the front of the teeth). There are indeed many ways by which teeth can be whitened. However, according to the reports there are only two teeth whitening and bleaching that are most commonly used, are the office bleach and strip teeth whitening system:

1. The office bleach � this method is the fast-forward type where a higher level of chemical is applied to the teeth to get fast results. As with every high dosage things, there would usually be side effects � in this connection there could be chemical burns if not used correctly or left on for too long.

On the positive side is the fact that it does work, and it works fast indeed. Since there is a high concentration of oxidizing agents, the time needed for the whitening is more or less halved. Therefore, in case there is an emergency, you could use this method, though it is contraindicated for use over longer periods of time

2. The teeth whitening strip � this is a similar teeth whitening and bleaching system as the above, with the exception that it has its chemical on a strip of polyethylene which would need to be stuck on the teeth about twice a day over the course of 3-4 weeks. It is a slow process because the main ingredient is a less potent one � hydrogen peroxide; however, it shows result in the end

Some Reasons Why People Go For Teeth Whitening and Bleaching

The teeth whitening and bleaching system is usually taken up to help in improving one's esthetics. If you look at it, people usually go for it when they are faced with an important interview and what to make an excellent first impression. It is true that a nice and presentable self improves the possibility of a positive outcome from the interview greatly.

People also go for teeth whitening and bleaching system before they marry for the same reasons. The whitening of the teeth makes one more confident and happy about oneself. The beautiful set of teeth makes the smile dazzling in the real sense of the word. Hence, the attraction between the husband and wife will be enhanced too.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Teeth Whitening Options Explained

Beauty today is a very relative term. Some people like themselves and others thin, while other appreciate voluptuousness; some people like conforming to fashion rules while some love to go against it. There is no common denominator in the definition of beauty. However, everybody appreciates a well groomed person.

When you say �well groomed' you can say this is not exactly a beauty trait; rather a presentation trait. This includes everything on our body � your cleanliness, the way your hair is done, your face, your teeth, your nails, your clothes, your shoes, everything.

The best of best outfits, the best of best make up, the best of best manners � become useless when they are accompanies by a yellow-teeth smile. How many times you saw an exceptional looking person, only to be repelled by the color and shape of their teeth?

Anyone Can Have White Teeth and a Dazzling Smile

It is possible today for everyone to have a great smile with perfect white teeth. There are enough options for every budget. There are many methods that you could choose from, that are convenient, fast and affordable. Of course, there are professional treatments also which are expensive and tailor made � but you need not avail of these unless you want and can afford the best there is. Check out the options available for teeth whitening and choose the one that suits you best:

Professional bleaching � it is advised that you start (the first teeth bleaching or teeth whitening process) should be made with a professional dentist. This is because the stains that come on your teeth over time may camouflage certain problems � such as cavities, worn out enamel and the like which could create further problems when the bleach agent is applied. The dentist would be able to identify these problems and repair them before the bleach in applied and hence, you would be able to enjoy the result of having a beautiful smile without any side effects. The only disadvantage with this method is that it is usually very expensive � it would average US $500.

Do It Yourself (DIY) Kits - The alternative to the professional teeth whitening process is to get a DIY kit and do it yourself at home. You would need to read the instruction with extreme care and followed strictly to the letter. There are a lot side effects from using the DIY kits which happen most often than not because the instructions are not carried out well rather than anything else.

Home made remedies � there are many, many home made remedies that can help you get your teeth color back without any problem and at minimal cost if any. Most of these substances come from the kitchen shelf and can be used on a daily basis without any problem.

Herbal teeth whiteners � the market is gradually seeing an increase in herbal products and teeth whiteners are also coming up. Despite the fact that the FDA does not endorse any herbal products yet, there are a good number of leading brands which are exceptionally effective without having any side effects. The plus point here is that there are no chemicals involved as the formulas are based on herbs and their natural bleaching properties.

A word of caution � before you decide to bleach your teeth ensure that you visit your dentist at least once to check out whether there are any major flaws with your teeth that could be affected when bleach of any type would be applied for the teeth whitening process. It is important that you have the okay of a professional so you would not end up with more troubles than you started with.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Achieve the perfect smile with teeth whitening

Whoever said that the first impression is the strongest one was right. Apart from a nice suit, a great haircut and a confident character, a beautiful white smile is a must-have. One could think of whitening toothpaste, but it only works on surface stains because the concentration of bleaching agent is very low. This is why cosmetic dentistry is needed.

It is a discipline within dentistry that focuses in the modification of appearance of a patient's oral cavity, thus it is altered to match the patient's subjective concept of what is pleasing. Teeth whitening appeals to everyone who desires a fresh and young look and because the process is pretty simple and fairly affordable, it has become popular all around the world.

Cosmetic dentistry can be a very simple procedure like reshaping a front tooth or it can be more complex involving all teeth. The most common procedure is teeth whitening. It represents a procedure that lightens teeth and helps remove stains and discoloration.

A popular choice is the in-office bleaching. This type of dentistry is performed in the dentist office and requires several visits. A bleaching agent is applied on the teeth, and a special light is used to enhance the action of the agent. Laser bleaching is a similar whitening procedure, but, instead of light, the dentist uses a laser. This method is mainly used for removing stains from aging, tobacco and coffee, but it is also possible that the tooth may be stained on the inside, because of certain substances in the human body. Teeth whitening, the most popular procedure, improves the appearance of teeth at a lower cost than other techniques. The only disadvantage is that it must be repeated from time to time to help maintain a bright color.

Another procedure in this ever expanding field of cosmetic dentistry is the use of tooth veneers. They represent a good alternative because they require little or no anesthesia. The dentist simply glues a specially-shaped porcelain or plastic over the front of your teeth, but unlike the bleaching technique they are not as natural-like.

Cosmetic dentistry does so much more than just making your teeth look whiter. Especially teeth whitening doesn't sacrifice the quality of teeth like a bridge does, because neighboring teeth are not altered to support an implant or other elements, so you could say it's a tooth-saving technique. Most of all you will gain confidence. This, in turn, will allow you to speak, smile and eat with comfort and a lot more confidence. A carefully chosen dentist office will make you say goodbye to worries about misplaced dentures or pastes and glues.

A major problem involving teeth whitening is that bleaching may not improve your smile if you have had bonding or tooth-colored fillings placed in your front teeth. The whitener will not affect the color of these materials causing them to stand out in your whitened smile. If this is the case, in the field of cosmetic dentistry there are other options like porcelain veneers or dental bonding.

Mainly used by movie or rock stars, cosmetic procedures are now universally affordable because of the new tooth whitening kits. This means that you can perform almost the same procedures that the dentist does. Home done teeth whitening may be faster and cheaper, but it is not recommended if you have oral problems. It is better to have the opinion of a specialist than suffer from irritations or minor sensitivity. However, the choice belongs to you and with the help of cosmetic dentistry you can have the smile of a superstar.

Considering all of this, cosmetic dentistry is becoming more and more popular. As a plus, the spread of American culture worldwide, where a beautiful smile equals a "Hollywood smile", is quite motivating. Either for closing a major contract with the smile of a winner on your face or to bring an extra spark on your teeth for your loved one, teeth whitening is the solution and it seems its here to stay.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Things You Should Know Before Whitening Your Teeth

It is true that having your teeth whitened is a great way of improving your appearance. It is simply astounding to see the effects that a beautiful smile has on the overall looks of a person. The good news is that today anyone can enjoy a beautiful smile because teeth whitening is available at all prices � right from $30 Do-It-Yourself kits to $500-600 fees of a professional teeth whitening process.

Of course, the professional teeth whitening would definitely be more qualitative and less risky to the enamel of your teeth. There are also exceptionally easy-to-do home remedies that can help you get your teeth color back without having to pay through your nose. Before you choose your method of whitening check out a few things that would help you decide:

1. What is involved in the teeth whitening process � professional teeth whitening is done by a dentist with the help of a teeth whitening gel which contains carbamide peroxide. There are two ways to do this � (i) regular way whereby the gel is applied to the teeth for a certain period of time (that is determined by the doctor) after which you achieve the desired results with complete safety; (ii) with the help of laser whereby the whitening solution is activated by the laser beam. The later is faster and the results are better.

2. Limitations of the teeth whitening process � ensure that you understand the limitation of this process. It only affects the color of our teeth. It is not any miracle-worker that would re-arrange your teeth or make any repairs that your teeth needed. Even the white color you would achieve would very much depend upon the type of stains you have and what type of solution you need for your teeth whitening process.

3. The teeth whitening process impact � this could be adverse if there are cavities and other problems on which the carbamide peroxide may act negatively. Hence, ensure that you visit a dentist and have his/ her professional opinions before going for the teeth whitening process.

4. Teeth whitening process is not permanent � you need to repeat the process at regular intervals to maintain the color of your teeth. This is not a permanent solution. The rate of discoloration after you underwent the process once would depend upon the foods you consume and your mouth hygiene habits.

5. Cost of the teeth whitening process � today, fortunately, you have access to all types of teeth whitening products starting from US $30. However, it is always advisable to use the opinion of a dentist before you use any method for the simple reason that your teeth might need some repair work before they are exposed to any bleaching agent. This stands true even when you use home remedies. The best would be to use the professional teeth whitening system � which costs about US $500 � because it is the least likely to harm the enamel.

6. Quality of the outcome � do not expect miracles. Yes, teeth would definitely be whiter than they were. However, you might not get the whitest of white teeth after you undergo the process. The quality of the white would very much depend upon the type of stains, the way you apply the solution and so on. So, do not be disappointed if the result you get does not always match your best expectations.

7. Teeth whitening needs maintenance � you want your teeth to be white, you would need to limit or ban the foods and habits that affect the color of your teeth, such as tea, coffee, starchy foods, sweets, wine, smoking, coca cola and so on.

Monday, December 18, 2006

How Teeth Whitening Works

The modern world today places a lot of importance on the presentation and packaging of everything. This could be a course, a gift, a product and even a human being. The best of best of anything, if it is not attractively presented, it risks to be rejected. When it comes to human beings also their outward appearance is very crucial for their position advancement in their career. This is why they ay a lot of attention and money on their personal grooming.

One of the most visible aspects in the overall grooming of a person is the color and shape of their teeth. People who have a well coordinated and white set of teeth are more attractive than those who have yellowish-brown decayed set of teeth. Since the color of the teeth usually deteriorates with age, people resort to teeth whitening processes to maintain their attractiveness.

What Is Teeth Whitening Process?

The process that when applied to human teeth, removes any existing discoloration making the teeth porcelain white is known as teeth whitening process. Everyone can avail of this process and enjoy an exceptionally dazzling smile, with the exception of people who have sensitive teeth. For them this process is contraindicated because it would further aggravate the condition.

There are many such teeth whitening options:

1. Teeth bleaching � which involves a bleaching solution (carbamide peroxide in 10% concentration) which would need to be applied to the teeth for a brief period over one or two weeks.
2. Laser teeth whitening � this is a method where a laser ray is used to trigger the effects of the whitening solution. With this method you can almost instant results.
3. Toothpaste for whitening of teeth � this is a more slow method but one which hardly has any side effects.
4. Teeth whitening strips � these are strips dipped in peroxide solution which need to be carefully applied over the teeth and kept there for about 30 minutes.

How Does The Teeth Whitening Work?

There are two ways to have your teeth whitened � (i) one is done by a dentist and it is called professional tooth whitening system; and (ii) the other is done at home through various do-it-yourself kits. The main ingredient in both these methods that brings about the whitening of teeth is carbamide peroxide. There is a difference, though. The professional teeth whitening solution would contain 15% of this ingredient, while the DIY kits would contain maximum 10%.

The whitening of the teeth is the direct result of the bleaching effect of the carbamide solution on the enamel of the teeth. This is why it is contraindicated for people who already have sensitive teeth. The professional teeth whitening process usually involved laser rays which activate the gel already applied to the teeth. The impact of this process can be visible within an hour � which is why it is highly south after.

The home kits also use the carbamide peroxide as the active ingredient. However, this is more time taking as the solution is weaker than the one used by the professional dentist and hence, it needs to be repeated over a week or two until you achieve the required results.

The carbamide peroxide simply bleaches the enamel of the teeth bringing back their original shine to the front. Since the bleaching effects is sometimes very strong, you might experience teeth and even gum sensitivity for a while � though these negative symptoms would pass on their own after a few days.

It is very important here that you pay close attention to the way you apply and how long you are keeping the solution on your teeth, lest you would have to experience some over-sensitiveness of your teeth.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

How To Find Affordable Professional Teeth Whitening

Have you been considering getting your teeth professionally whitened? This is become more and more common recently with major advances being done in the area of teeth whitening by dentists. Did you know that you can have your teeth whitened at home also? You can buy a home a teeth whitening kit at most any major department store such as Wal-Mart, K-mart, etc. many people want to know which works better, the home teeth whitening kit or having your teeth whitened at the dentist? I can tell you right now that the general consensus is that the dentist wins hands down. Have you ever heard the old saying, "you get what you pay for"? Well, that's exactly right. There's nothing wrong with a home teeth whitening kits, they just don't work as well as having your teeth done by a professional.

One way that you might be able save a few dollars by getting professional teeth whitening done is by becoming a member of a dental discount plan. Dental discount plans, also known as discount dental plans, or simply a savings plan that enables you to save 10 to 60% off of everyday dental procedures by being a part of their network. Not all plans cover cosmetic dentistry, such as teeth whitening, however, those that do can save you a substantial amount of money, normally much more than what you would pay for the plan on an annual basis.

The cost of these plans starts at about $80 annually for an individual and around $150 annually for entire family. These costs cover most standard dental procedures and will allow you and your family to save on every visit that you have two the dentist, both minor and major procedures, for the next entire year. If you've been considering getting your teeth professionally whitened, or having any other dental procedure done in the near future, I highly recommend that you get more information about dental discount plans.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Home Remedies: Best Tooth Whitening Kits

A great white smile is what everyone wants. Yes we see celebs have it but it's a little more then that. For better or worse how our teeth look helps to define us. When you meet someone for the first time, having great looking white teeth does make a big difference. A great part to having pearly whites is the fact that there is no recovery time besides rinsing out your mouth. Getting a good tooth whitening kit can help make all the difference.

Everyone battle with less than pearly white teeth. Those who smoke and drink coffee and tea are more susceptible, but everyone suffers from it. You may be one of the many people who want to brighten their teeth, but do not want to spend the $400 hundred plus dollars going to the dentist to do it. There are some teeth whitening treatments that can be purchased at your local pharmacy and/or retail food store for a fraction of the other price. For those who are not so keen on the chemicals many products use, or just want to be thrifty, home remedies for teeth whitening may prove to be just what the doctor did not order.

Strawberries, And Lemons, And Peroxide, Oh My

Finding a home remedy for teeth whitening that works best may have you feeling like a glass slipper in search of the right foot. Not every home remedy for teeth whitening is going to be effective; some are more folklore than factual. A simple process or trial and elimination may be in order.

Hydrogen peroxide is probably the most common and popular natural lightening agent. It can be combined with lemon juice, baking soda, baking powder, or almost a dozen other ingredients. Different recipes will call for different amounts of peroxide.

Lemon juice by itself may not be the best home remedy for teeth whitening as the acidity can weaken teeth. Surprisingly enough, strawberries fall into the same acidic category. They are natural whiteners; simply rub them directly on your teeth or mash into a paste. But use both sparingly, or

Apple cider and white vinegar are also used in a few home remedy recipes for teeth whitening. Wood ash is known for being a natural bleaching additive, but too much usage can cause the enamel of your teeth to wear away. And, like the vinegar, has a rather bitter taste.

You can also shop online for tooth whitening products. There are many out there so be sure and do your research. The leading kits on the market can be found for as little as a few hundred. At many places you can get a great discount purchasing more then one kit. This is great for those who have a mate

Friday, December 15, 2006

Complete Smile Makeover in Just a Few Office Visits?

Who ever thought that running a race would be compared to cosmetic dentistry? Dr. Maddahi learned his speed drill while filming for television. What came of this experience was speed and perfection. Imagine being filmed by a television crew who only have a day or two to film, and who is being paid to only be in the office for a few hours. You have to get your work done in the time allotted and it better be perfect!

The Beverly Hills office of Dr. Kourosh Maddahi is a full service dental office. Specializing in a complete smile makeover, he offers porcelain veneers, porcelain crowns, teeth whitening, plus a full gamut of all other dental services.

Consider instant orthodontics. This term aptly describes when veneers are artistically applied to crooked, uneven, misshapen and badly formed teeth. Instant orthodontics eliminates years of uncomfortable braces. This is where Beverly Hills cosmetic dentist Kourosh Maddahi has earned his top reputation and created a renaissance in modern cosmetic dentistry. Instant orthodontics involves the use of the most sophisticated equipment, some of which only 200 dentists in the world have.

"What makes us different is we were faced with learning how to do these procedures in short periods of time and without mistakes." Dr. Maddahi said. "The cameras were on and filming and I just had to be very fast and very good. We can do a two week full mouth reconstruction. Creating beautiful, natural smiles is what I like to do. I make sure that I am always researching the cutting-edge technology of dentistry and offering that to my patients"

The use of digital x-rays greatly shorten the time it takes to get the work done. Three seconds after as the camera is clicked, the X-ray image transfers to the computer. Using digital X-rays the dentist has the ability to magnify, colorize, and alter the density of the image. IntraOral Cameras are small cameras in the shape of a pen that the dentist uses so a patient can see on a computer screen with crystal clarity every tooth and gum surface in his or her mouth as the camera is moved from structure to structure. It is an important diagnostic tool for the doctor and gives the patient the same view of what the cosmetic dentist is viewing. Digital Cosmetic Imaging shows each patient a computerized split image photograph of his or her smile. On the top one half of the screen is their current smile and on the bottom is a digital simulation of their smile after the cosmetic dentistry has been performed, allowing an immediate decision on work to be done.

"The appearance of their mouth and smile can be altered to fit what would be pleasing to them." Dr. Maddahi continues. "This is made possible with porcelain and composite tooth colored materials perfectly designed to intimately match their tooth structure. With cosmetic imaging the patient can see the future of their smile before they begin."

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Patient Education is Important in Cosmetic Dentistry Success

There are a number of key points when considering cosmetic dentistry. Choosing a dentist with the skill that matches your dental needs can make the difference between success and a great disappointment. Beverly Hills cosmetic dentist, Dr. Kourosh Maddahi, has twenty years forging the high-tech path of dentistry.

First, you must consider your dentist's credentials and what kind of continuing education they take. With the super-highway of high-tech dentistry at full speed, it's very important they are able to take advantage of the newest tools for their patients. You can also verify their license via the internet.

The color chosen for your veneers, crowns, caps, bridge or implants must be either matched to your existing teeth or your teeth must be whitened to match your new teeth. Teeth are naturally polychromatic, and color variation is important in avoiding fake or artificial looking teeth. How the light plays on the teeth is affected by the internal contrast of colors that help create a very real and vital look to the teeth.

Surface texture is also very important, and helps to break up light reflections and make the veneers, crowns, caps, bridges or implants look more natural. You should check on the web to learn more about selecting the best shade of whiteness for your smile.

Dr. Maddahi stresses the importance of regular teeth cleaning and the function of teeth whitening. "Stains on teeth, discolorations and dullness can be caused by coffee, red wine, cigarettes, and even green tea. Also aging and chemicals can cause visual damage to your teeth. Tooth dullness or staining is an indication that whitening should be considered. Smokers and those who drink coffee and tea on a regular basis increase the discoloration process and may need cleaning and whitening more often."

Missing teeth can be handled with several appliances these days. A common solution is to build a bridge between two teeth. Also, implants are now commonly used for this. Check with your dentist for the newest solutions available to you. Jagged teeth can be reshaped (contouring) and often can be done with no anesthesia. If a tooth is slightly decayed or chipped, then a composite resin that matches the tooth may be bonded onto the area. Bonding may also be used to cover the entire outside of a tooth to change the color and shape or to close spaces between teeth.

"Understanding your choices in dentistry is important for a patient.", says Dr. Maddahi. "I try to spend as much time as needed with my patients discussing options before moving forward with a plan."

Dr. Kourosh Maddahi, has been specializing in creating beautiful, natural smiles for 20 years and is located in Beverly Hills at 436 N. Roxbury Drive, Suite 202 and can be reached at 310-888-7797.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Check out Teeth Whitening and Have Them Checking out You In No Time!

Imagine catching the eye of that perfect someone across a room, they notice you, and you flash that perfect white smile that says...
I'll let you finish that statement yourself.

If you're reading this your getting older, and if you're getting older, your teeth are collecting stains in this coloration. It's not your fault! Just using our teeth for eating and drinking causes the stains to start developing. Remember that dark rich Starbucks coffee, you had for breakfast? That dark richness is caused by a naturally occurring chemical called tannin. Unfortunately, can it makes a great dye and colors everything including tooth enamel.

Teeth whitening simply bleaches the discoloration's caused by tannin type beverages and food. Most teeth whitening products work under the same oxygenation principle. Using a carbamide peroxide whitening gel, teeth stains and yellowing disappear. Whitener chemicals simply release oxygen molecules that in turn lighten, or remove all but the most stubborn teeth stains.

Home teeth whitening products can be broken down into two categories.

1. Over-the-counter remedies and products. These include whitening mouthwashes and rinses, white strips, paint on the whiteners and the ever popular whitening and baking soda type toothpastes

2. The second category is a large assortment of home teeth whitening kits. These whitening systems normally come complete with a good supply of whitener gel in individual syringe is along with whitener transfer mouth trays.

The third option to get back your bright white smile is a professional tooth whitening treatment offered by many dental professionals. Both home teeth whitening products and professional whitening services all use oxygenating chemicals that are both safe and effective if used as directed.
Although much more expensive than the over-the-counter or home teeth whitening options, professional tooth whitening can remove even the most stubborn stains faster. Professional tooth whitening typically uses stronger bleaching chemicals that can even make antibiotic staining like that, caused by tetracycline to be much less noticeable.

So the question becomes not, if you will consider tooth whitening but when. Wouldn't having that bright youthful smile make you feel more confident?
Many people elect to use a professional tooth whitening service, to restore their smile back to its original beauty.
Then they simply use a home tooth whitening kid and other over-the-counter products to maintain that fresh white smile.

It's possible to make your smile look cleaner and brighter without a lot of fuss. If your teeth are in good condition, many of the home teeth whitening kits can effectively remove most common stains and yellowing caused by our food, drink, smoking and age. Isn't it time that you regain that youthful smile?

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Whitening Teeth: 3 Essential Facts

Are you trying to learn more about whitening teeth? You're not alone. What follows are the bare essential facts concerning teeth whitening. You can find many types of information about teeth whitening online today, but after you boil it all down, here is what you'll find:

Firstly you must remember: You truly can obtain whiter teeth in a matter of days or weeks. Everyone is different. If you choose to use dental strips, you must stick with them. This is the primary failure of many people. When users fail to see results in a couple days, so often they give up. Remember, it is most effective if you follow through with the entire whitening teeth procedure.

Here's the second fact to remember: if you desire whiter teeth, they must be bleached. This seems like an obvious fact, but keep in mind that for your teeth to appear whiter, they need much more than a deep cleaning, they have to be bleached. There is a variety of teeth whitening products available, from oral strips to dental treatments. Because of the summary nature of this article, I am unable to go into detail.

Lastly now, the third thing you need to know: The American Dental Association has never given their endorsement for a whitening teeth toothpaste which does anything more than remove stains. These teeth-whitening toothpastes may remove stains, but don't change the intrinsic color of your teeth.

You should now have all you need to begin. Now that you have learned these whitening teeth facts, you are ready to begin taking action and achieve that whiter smile. It's time for some whiter teeth! There will always be an opportunity to learn more, but please keep in mind that more information won't benefit you unless you actually use it.

Monday, December 11, 2006

For Great Tooth Whitening Results, Use A Quality Delivery System

You can get whiter teeth faster by using high quality products.and they don't cost an arm and a leg! Today's products all can give you a bright and white smile. Tooth whitening products are available from low cost white strips to expensive dental professional services and everything in between.

The key to whiter teeth thougyh is the delivery system. Whitening products are usually a gel or paint like product placed on your teeth. The tooth bleaching gel or teeth whitening gel is held in place by a delivery system. The delivery system is how the teeth whitening product is held in place next to your teeth. Usually this is a tray or molded plastic impression of your teeth. The key to getting good results is that the gel or pain product with the tooth whitening agent must stay in contact with your teeth surface. Simply putting it on and having it wash away will not work. Some of the less effective delivery methods are the strip type.

Crest white strips are very popular. These are simply a tooth bleaching tape that's placed on the front teeth only. Crest whitestrips use a delivery system that's a lot like a piece of flexible tape. The tape is placed on the front teeth and contains tooth bleaching gel. It's easy and simple to use. Remember that although the whitening strips may only cover the front teeth, they're usually more comfortable.

The more complete and better delivery method is a tray similar to those teeth protectors used by athletes. In the cheaper teeth whitening kits, the trays provided are heated in hot water then placed in the mouth to form an adequate, if not perfect fit. The better the fit, the better the teeth whitener gel will stay in contact with your teeth.

What I consider to be the best long term value however is a custom tray made just for your teeth. Higher quality teeth whitening kits provide a material to take an impression of your teeth. Because the impression fits exactly to your teeth, it's more comfortable and allows the whitening product to cover all the teeth surfaces. The one negative to using a custom tray is the short delay while the impression is sent to the dental lab to make the custom tray to fit your mouth. This just takes an extra couple of days but the results are very much worth it to say nothing of the much more comfortable tray.

The good news is that most custom tray teeth whitening kits provide everything needed for the best, most economical teeth whitening results. Custom trays last a long time and give great results at an affordable price.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Teeth Whitening Procedure

Not long back, the concept of dental treatment was limited to removal of teeth and replacement with dentures. But with new advancement in the field of dental sciences, there's hardly any need for removal of teeth if the problem gets diagnosed and cured at a proper time. Today, there are number of specializations in the field of dentistry, each dealing with a different aspect of the tooth problem.

There is prosthodontics dealing with replacement of teeth with beautiful crowns, bridges and dentures, orthodontics alignment of irregular teeth and jaws with invisible and visible braces, periodontics treatment of gum problems, specialized problems of children's teeth et al. Besides all this, stress is being laid on cosmetic dentistry and smile designing which includes enhancement of facial aesthetics with new dental procedures such as bleaching and veneering of teeth.

Bleaching is a process that involves whitening of discolored or dark teeth by means of chemical agent. This procedure can be performed either in the dental clinic or even at home. In the clinic, the procedure involves application of a bleaching agent on the teeth and making appropriate sized impressions of the teeth of the individual patient then loading of trays with chemicals for their application on the teeth for one to two hours. Depending upon the degree of discoloration and cosmetic results desired by the patient, the procedure is repeated.

The other new advanced procedure involves application of a bleaching agent directly on the teeth by the dentist, without any use of trays and without repeated sittings. This procedure can be completed in just one or two sittings of 30-45 minutes.

Another technique is prescribed by dentists for use by patients at their homes. This involves making of individualized trays of a patient followed by loading of the trays with the chemical agents by patients as per their dentist instructions and then keeping them in the mouth usually for a period of six to eight hours. The total treatment time is usually 15-20 days. The advantages of in office bleaching technique are that it is totally under the dentists control, the soft tissues of patient are protected and it has the potential of bleaching teeth very rapidly and successfully.

The two most common side affect of bleaching is temporary sensitivity of teeth and irritated gums. Go on; get a set of bright, sparkling teeth.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Dental Insurance Is A Ripoff

Insurance companies continue to earn massive record profits, there's nothing wrong with that it's the free enterprise system at work, but people are being misled and ripped off. All insurance is not bad, in fact you'd be crazy not to have many forms of insurance, but that certainly doesn't apply to dental insurance.

Homeowners insurance is something I'd prefer not to pay for, we've had it for about 20 years and never filed a claim, but what if your house burns to the ground? Let's just say that your house is worth $250,000 and your homeowners insurance is $2,500 a year. If you pay for 20 years and never have a claim you'd be out $50,000 but if your home is destroyed could you afford to rebuild without insurance?

Insurance is for the most part designed to prevent you from suffering a catastrophic loss, and in our example the $50,000 you spent over 20 years looks like a bargain when your insurance company builds your new home for nothing. But not all insurance is created equal!

Dental insurance is a colossal waste of money. If you have dental insurance, you're probably paying from $600 to $1,000 a year depending on a variety of variables, how many people in your family, deduct etc. So let's say that you don't use it for just 3 years. With an annual premium of $800 you would have paid $2,400 during that time and just like homeowners insurance you never filed a claim, but in year 4 you need some major dental work to the tune of $4,000. What happens now?

You probably won't see this on the NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams but this my friends is the fleecing of America. Over 4 years you would have paid $3,200 in dental insurance premiums and you may be expecting your insurance company to foot the bill, but you'd be wrong. Most dental insurance sold today has a maximum benefit of $1,000 or $1,500, so guess who's going to have to pay $2,500 to $3,000 out of their own pocket?

That would be you the fleecee, sorry, the person who get's ripped off. Dental insurance has almost no value whatsoever which is why many insurance agents refuse to sell it. Homeowners insurance has value, so does car insurance and if you can still afford so does health insurance. They protect you from a devastating financial loss, but dental insurance doesn't do that at all.

A brief history lesson, and I promise it will be brief. Back in the 60's and 70's when dental insurance became commonplace most plans had a maximum benefit of $1,000 or $1,500 which is the same limit that most dental insurance policies have today. The problem is that the cost when you go to the dentist has almost tripled.

Your insurance company charges you a lot more for less, and they raised your deductible too! So why is it that so many still have dental insurance? That's a good question. Perhaps it's because people know that they need to take care of their teeth but they just don't know what to do. Now that you know that dental insurance is a ripoff, you don't have to be taken advantage of anymore.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

What to Do during a Dental Emergency?

Saving A Knocked-Out Tooth - Knocked-Out Tooth Emergency First Aid Kit

Knocked-Out Tooth is a common accident, especially among children, sports related activities and even on the road. In the US alone, almost five million teeth got knocked-out from the mouth every year. Ninety percent of these teeth could have been saved and reinserted back if proper preservation techniques has been used during the time of the accident or incident.

Parents, caregivers or people present during the accident usually bring the knocked-out tooth to th dentist in the hope that it can be replanted. However, generally if the initial necessary steps to keep the tooth viable for replantation is not taken, the chances of a successful replantation of the knocked-out tooth becomes minimal or at most zero.

Generally, the public understanding is that submerging the tooth in milk will preserve it. The truth is that the main component of our tooth is enamel. It is one of the hardest substance in our body. However, once the tooth is out of a persons mouth, it begins to die. This happens in just 15 minutes. Frequently, without proper storage, within two hours the tooth is dead. For the tooth to be successfully replanted, the periodontal ligament has to be kept alive. This periodontal ligament is a thin layer of cells surrounding the tooth.

A device was developed by Dr Paul R. Krasner, a professor at Temple University School of Dentistry. This patented 6-part system is a good way to keep the tooth alive during a knocked-out accident and during transportation from the accident venue to the dentist. Dr Krasners system addresses the two primary causes of replanted tooth loss :

* tooth cell crushing (especially during transportation from accident venue to the dentist)
* tooth cell dehydration

The system uses a scientifically engineered removable basket to suspend the tooth in a formulated pH balanced fluid. It helps to keep the tooth in a save environment, which prevents additional trauma. A tooth that has been out of a persons mouth, when placed in the solution within 2 hours can be preserved for up to four days. This will give doctors time to utilize the tooth while repairing the external injury.

The system is called Save-A-Tooth. It is recommended by Clinical Research Associates and the Emergency Research Council Institute and is endorsed by the American Dental Association. It is also the only tooth preserving system that is approved by FDA. In clinical studies, it has been shown to be 91% successful.

A company in Singapore, known as 2TH Gen (pronounced as Tooth Gen), has comprehensively packed the Save-A-Tooth together with the necessary Wound Management products from brands like 3M, Smith & Nephew and London Healthcare Limited, as a quick-response one-stop preservation of the knocked-out tooth, on site. This kit is known as the Knocked-Out Tooth Emergency First Aid Kit.

Original tooth is natures ideal implants. By using the original tooth for replantation during a knocked-out also saves the patient money. A prosthetic tooh can costs a few thousand dollars. This, however will never compare to a real tooth.

Due to the cost to benefit ratio of the Knocked-Out Tooth Emergency First Aid Kit, it is a prudent addition to all first aid kits.

So please seriously consider keeping the Knocked-Out Tooth Emergency First Aid Kit handy. Don not put your family at risk because accidents can happen at any time, anywhere and to anyone.

You may not be able to prevent accidents but you can definitely help to retain smiles.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Dental braces: recreate the magic of your smile

Everybody wants to look good but more important is to feel good and smile is that asset which makes you feel good. Few people feel inferior just because their smile does not have that spark and magnetism to look and feel beautiful. In spite of their hard efforts to maintain a good oral health they face problems with their dental structure. If you are a resident of New York City or nearby place you can get a perfect solution to regain that lost charm of your smile and that solution is braces New York.

A beautiful smile definitely boosts confidence that makes people more beautiful as they feel that beauty from inside. A set of bad or misaligned teeth is one of those problems which affect the charm of one's smile but now with advancements in medical sciences its no more considered as a big problem. For people who escape from smiling freely because of their misaligned teeth, braces New York is there to help them out. Though in many cases a dental problem occur due to accidents or disease but in many people problem of misaligned teeth is in born. For both the cases braces New York is an effective treatment to improve the alignment of teeth. People who feel awkward in wearing braces can now use transparent braces New York, the latest addition to dental treatment.

Braces New York is an appropriate solution to realign the distorted teeth string. Now n numbers of people are seen using braces New York and are delighted when they remove them finally after completion of treatment as they get desired results. Transparent braces New York is like bliss for people who feel embarrassed in using braces, especially adults who are required to wear braces have got relief from embarrassment of wearing braces. Use of braces New York is increasing day by day as it has boosted the confidence of many people who were depressed due to bad set of teeth. Braces New York however requires care and maintenance and people who are using it need to follow the guideline as suggested by doctor. These guidelines include to dos such as regular cleaning of braces, removal of braces before eating anything etc. Though dental braces require care and hygiene but it is still less time consuming then any other dental treatments. A regular meeting with your doctor is essential for the success of treatment but when you start following guidelines properly the frequency of going to dentist reduces itself.

Braces New York is the most convenient treatment one can ever use to realign damaged or misaligned teeth. Braces offer a solution that give you great relief from unattractive smile and gives you the confidence to smile freely. Braces New York with its number of advantages reduced the fear of painful dental treatments and gave people brighter and more attractive smile along with complete oral health. Thanks to advancements of medical sciences which made it possible to regain the lost charm of millions of faces.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Cosmetic dentistry NYC : giving people a reason to smile

In the present era of science and technology, it has become very easy to get rid of those inborn defects that affect your personality. It is either cosmetic surgery or cosmetic dentistry NYC both are made to enhance one's beauty and confidence. People who have any problem with their denture, teeth color, or alignment may now take a sigh of relief, as it is now possible to remove your minor and even major dental and oral defects with cosmetic dentistry.

In past time, people were satisfied with the dental science as it was able to sort out their dental problems. Traditional dentistry was focused on the oral health but with changing time where look and overall personality is so important, tradition dentistry is lacking somewhere in providing people complete satisfaction. Now people have become conscious for their looks they do not hesitate in having multiple surgeries for looking beautiful. In such a situation if one's smile or denture is the reason for his/her unattractive looks, cosmetic dentistry NYC can help them out. Cosmetic dentistry NYC takes care of the appearance of a person's teeth mouth or smile. It may also help in restoring of decayed teeth by proving facility of filling the teeth. Until the emergence of cosmetic dentistry, it was not possible for people to properly align their misaligned teeth. People used to wear braces for years without any affirmation of sure improvement. Though it was more embarrassing for them to move with braces on their teeth but with a hope of improvement they kept n wearing them. Cosmetic dentistry NYC not only relieved people from embarrassment of wearing ugly braces but also enhanced their confidence.

With cosmetic dentistry, all dental treatments have become easy and effective as never before. People are getting their missing tooth replaced just through few sittings with dentist. Not only this getting a dazzling white smile or realigning a bad set of teeth is also very easy now. Cosmetic dentistry NYC is making people smile more confidently and maintaining the natural appearance of your smile and appearance. Many people have older filling replaced with the latest and tooth colored filling to enhance the magic of their smile.

Cosmetic dentistry NYC includes many procedures such as filling, teeth whitening, dental veneers, bonding and dental implants. The repair of broken teeth can also be done through a procedure called bonding. In this procedure, a dental compound material with the look of enamel is applied to the surface of a tooth. After some time it is then it is shaped and polished to hide the crack. Possibly teeth whitening is the most commonly opted for cosmetic dentistry NYC procedure. People who have lost the original white color of their teeth due to smoking food, or poor oral hygiene can make their teeth whiter and brighter as before. All those treatment are just to enhance the overall appearance of people who have problems with their smile. Result of treatment of cosmetic dentistry NYC is not only an enhanced smile, but also a more attractive appearance, since dental problems cause a unattractive face and stale smile.

Monday, December 4, 2006

Dental care for patients

The Dental care provides a diversity of care for the patient. The dentists treat and examine the patients comfortably by providing the materials required for the treatment. Moreover the dentists instruct the patients about the oral health care.

The dentists are allowed to work in a healthy environment with perfect ventilation as well as that temporary housing must be hygienic. Uses of gloves, masks, a clothe with cotton wool are needed for their protection through infectious disease brought by the patients. Washing of hands twice or thrice a day subsequent to checking the patients must be done at the right time.

The duties of the dentists are to remove the infectious teeth from the mouth of the patients by providing sufficient supplies of dental treatments and keeping the record. Before removing the teeth an injection is putted in the particular areas for decreasing the tooth pain.

Tooth pain is the most common disease that is found aboard; almost � of the total population suffer from these. Remedies are taken for the prevention through free campaign, advertising, etc. The instruction given by the dentists are:

1 Brush the teeth at least twice in a day.
2 Do not allow your teeth to chew sweets.
3 contact your personal dentists regarding that.

Nowadays dentists are given full support and every help from the governments. Dentists should clarify them that they obtain visual memory, self ability, good communication with a perfect skill, so that he/she can be called a perfect dentists.

Sunday, December 3, 2006

The Best Way To Find Inexpensive Dental Plans

Whether you're aware of it or not, there are still inexpensive dental plans available out there. The difficulty that most people have in finding them is that they're still looking for traditional dental insurance, which, unfortunately, is not the way to go nowadays.

A few years ago many people were able to get dental insurance through their work, but now most employers simply can't afford dental insurance, or health insurance for that matter, which leads many people forced to find something in the private sector or pay full price out of pocket for their dental work.

The inexpensive dental plans at all is referring to are not dental insurance, but are known as discount dental plans. Discount dental plans, also known as dental discount plans, are simply a discounted fee-for-service program were certain qualified dentists will give substantial discounts to their patients if they'll pay cash at the time of their visit. If you think about it, this is an excellent deal. The me give view an example of the type of savings that you can enjoy by using a dental discount plan.

Let's just say that you are in need of Single Crown - Porcelain on Noble Metal. Now this is only an example, but this should give you a general idea of what you could expect by buying one of these inexpensive dental plans. The usual cost for this type of procedure would be in the range of $850.00, however, by using one of these inexpensive dental plans, and paying cash at the time of the visit, you can reduce your cost only down to $455.00. That is a savings of $395.00 off of the regular cost just for paying cash when you see the dentist.

This particular example was based on the Scottsdale, Arizona area. Your actual savings could be more or less, depending on the area in which you live. Savings tend to be higher in metropolitan areas because there are more dentists there and they are more competitive. The cost for this particular plan is only $119.95 for an individual or $159.95 for a family for an entire year. If you deduct $159.95 from the $455 savings in the above example, you'll end up with a total savings of $295.05 just on this one procedure alone. If you're an individual and deducted $119.95 from the $455 savings, then your total savings would be $335.05 off of this procedure. Keep in mind that you still have the entire year to get any other dental procedures taking care of that you might be in need of. I recommend that you take the opportunity to look into these inexpensive dental plans.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Recent Studies Indicate Not So Many Cosmetic Dentists Are Techies

Manufacturers estimate only 15 to 25% of dentists have a digital X-ray system in their office, and according to a 2004 study in The Journal of the American Dental Association, fewer than 12% of U.S. dentists rely exclusively on digital radiography. But Beverly Hills cosmetic dentist, Dr. Kourosh Maddahi, finds that this high tech device is fundamental now in cosmetic dentistry, and he needs to have the details he gets from this essential tool.

"In only three seconds the X-ray image will transfer to the computer. Using digital X-rays one has the ability to magnify, colorize, and alter the density of the image.", explains Maddahi. "With digital x-rays not only does the patient receive 90% less radiation than conventional x-rays but this computerized system allows me to e-mail x-rays instead of having to hand carry them to another specialist. No old school bio-hazardous x-ray solution is required; therefore there is no negative impact on the environment. This also is important to me."

Dr. Maddahi also uses IntraOral Cameras, which are pen-shaped cameras that the dentist uses to show patients with clarity each tooth and gum surface in the mouth. Another important tool is a high-tech microscope. This high resolution state of the art 40x by 1600x Trinocular Compound Microscope allows the patient, the hygienist, and the doctor to digitally view moving bacteria from the mouth on a computerized video screen. This takes the guesswork out of killing germs. Bacteria are the cause of gum disease, and going undetected can cause the patient to lose his/her teeth. Once Dr. Maddahi identifies the specific bacteria in the mouth using this special microscope he can specifically diagnose the hygiene needed to get rid of it.

When a patient simply needs decay removed from a tooth, Dr. Maddahi can apply his drill-free dentistry by air-abrasion which is like a mini sandblaster aimed to take the decay out of the tooth with a fine aluminum oxide (baking soda) powder. Dr. Maddahi says drill-free air abrasion dentistry is every patient's dream. "There's no whining drills, no burning smell (the teeth never get hot), no vibration, and no anesthetic required. It's almost no dentistry, as we knew it! This drill-free dentistry goes hand-in-glove with DIAGNOdent, a laser system that finds decayed areas prior to even seeing the hole on the surface of the tooth, thereby locating decayed areas that x-rays do not detect. Plus drill-free air abrasion dentistry allows me to practice micro-dentistry, the removal of small hard to get to fissure and pit decay."

Prior to this technology the dentist had to remove healthy tooth structure to clean out a small hole. Often dentists were programmed to "watch" teeth like this because using the tools available would cause the loss of too much tooth structure to get out the decay. Now with micro dentistry's air abrasion the decay is delicately removed without the large loss of healthy tooth structure.

Dr. Maddahi also employs the use of Digital Cosmetic Imaging, which shows each patient a computerized split image photograph of his or her smile. On the top one half of the screen is their current smile and on the bottom is a digital simulation of their smile after the cosmetic dentistry has been performed. And his Digital Bite Recorder is a computerized bite sensor that tells the cosmetic dentist which tooth hits first and the amount of pressure being exerted. Only 200 dentists in the US have this equipment. We use it for multiple crown cases. This way every patient gets a stable bite without having to do multiple adjustments.

Laser dentistry is known to be the latest technological advancement in dentistry. It is used for soft tissue surgery, curing, and sterilizing with the benefit of no anesthetic needed or just topical anesthetic to get started. Dr. Maddahi's entire staff underwent training on the soft tissue laser. "It is important for all my staff to understand the application and value of laser dentistry for our patients.", Dr. Maddahi explained. "The primary focus of looking after the patient's comfort using the least invasive procedures has kept him on the cutting edge of technological breakthroughs. Our hygienists routinely use the laser to kill bacterial caused periodontal disease for up to 60 days. The benefit to the patient is that it is more effective and less traumatic than conventional methods because it uses the power of light to vaporize soft tissue without bleeding. The precision of laser dentistry helps the patient heal with the least post-operative pain. Beverly Hills cosmetic dentist Kourosh Maddahi uses the soft tissue laser to recontour gumlines for the best possible smile makeover."

Dr. Kourosh Maddahi, has been specializing in creating beautiful, natural smiles for 20 years and is located in Beverly Hills at 436 N. Roxbury Drive, Suite 202 and can be reached at 310-888-7797.