Friday, September 29, 2006

Braces NYC is meant to give perfection to your teeth

A perfect smile has always been liked and preferred by everyone. No one likes to receive sarcastic remarks about their smile. Imagine how you would feel if you are told that your smile is awkward? It is obvious that you will feel embarrassed. Everyone is not born with healthy and perfect teeth. Though, it takes some time and patience to get that winning smile; but it is worth waiting. Many times, it happens that you might develop the problem of misaligned teeth. It looks so bad that you upper or lower teeth are not in alignment with the other one. In this case, Braces are the best source of treatment process to cure this problem.

It is the matter of a specialist, either in NYC or any other state, to apply this treatment properly and get your misaligned teeth back in shape. Since the advent of braces in the field of dentistry, a variety of braces have been used by orthodontists to correct dental defects. At the very outset, it was metal braces that were being used for correcting the alignment of patient's teeth. These metal braces used to contain metal brackets that were being glued to the front side of the teeth. It was this form of braces that looked so gauche and used to give a feel that the mouth is full of metal.

These types of brackets support a tightening wire in place. The wire is threaded through the brackets and is in the shape that the orthodontist wishes to achieve for the benefit of patient's smile. Wire shifts into shape and moves the teeth along with it. These wires are tightened once a month for a period of up to two and a half years, depending on the severity of the patient's condition. The fear of having an embarrassing look with the metal braces compelled cosmetic dentists to develop clear and Invisalign braces. Invisalign is a special treatment invented by Align technology, so that patients do not have to experience the heaviness of those metal braces.

Invisalign braces are light and not visible, but they have to be removed everytime you eat. It really becomes tedious to remove braces and then to be worn again. Moreover, it is mandatory for you to brush your teeth and those braces after eating something. Along with Invisalign braces, clear braces have also come up to add some ease to other otherwise heavy burden on teeth. Such types of braces are made up of plastic or ceramics. The brackets are glued on the front of every tooth and this makes them less visible, almost clear. After all, it's the matter of your dental health and you would not like to have any issues regarding this.

Earlier, the mention of word braces used to bring fear in the mind of patients and they used to shrink away from visiting the dentists. After the advent of clear braces and Invisalign braces in the market, correcting the alignment of your teeth has become all the easier. With these form of braces, your smile is not hampered as they are not visible. Dental defects have been creating problems in the social as well as the personal circle. It is because of this reason that effective developments have been made in the field of dentistry.

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