Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Thank Your Current Customers and Grow Your Bottom Line

Your customers are pretty vital to your business, right?

Do you thank them? Think about it.

We teach our children to say "thank you" every time they receive something. We don't even have to tell our children the words to say. We just prompt them with, "what do you say?" It's that obvious. Our society is conditioned to offer thanks when given something. But in business we often forget to thank the very people who make our success possible.

Thanking your customers can be a wonderful way to differentiate your business from the competition. More often than not your competition does not thank its customers. Thanking your customers can build loyalty to your business and increase the word of mouth marketing done on your company's behalf. Thanking your customers puts your company in the front of their minds - a prime piece of real estate for your company to reside.

  • Thank your customers after they make a purchase.

  • Thank your customers after they have not made a purchase in awhile (obviously you will thank them for the prior purchase they did make and hopefully give them the reminder they need to purchase again).

  • Thank your customers and provide them with free information that might be important to them.

  • Thank your customers and ask them for their opinions.

  • Thank your customers and make special offers.

  • Thank your customers and ask them for referrals.

Have you ever received a thank you note from your dentist? Maybe you haven't. But if you were to receive one, your dentist might also mention other services she offers such as teeth whitening and invisible braces. The note might also prompt you to go for a checkup more frequently than you would otherwise.

Not convinced yet?

Imagine how powerful it would be to receive a hand-written thank you note from the manager of the supermarket where you shop or the hotel where you stayed on vacation.

Unexpected? Yes.

Effective? You bet.

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